
I am thankful for so many things! Today, I am thankful that I am not more sick than I actually am. Although my voice is virtually non existent, and I am coughing up a lung or two... at least I am not sitting in a hospital bed.

Our Thanksgiving weekend was full of excitement! My sister, Becky, utterly and completely surprised us by arriving on our doorstep (compliments of our friend Bridget)to spend the weekend with us. I was in shock, and again, so grateful. The hardest thing about living on the East Coast is not having family near by. Becky was able to assist me on Friday's photo shoot with our dear friends, the Morton family. Such fun! I was also able to snap a few of Becky during her visit. And now I'm off to design Christmas cards from these shoots. Here's a sneak peek:

I know, I know...

I know these are already on my site, but I cannot possibly resist posting some of my favorite photos from the photo shoot last weekend with my fantastically photogenic sister in law (and soon-soon-to-be) brother in law. They are such fun, and up for just about anything! We had a blast (right Todd??) and even gave the boy scouts a bit of a show :)

My Darling Em

This morning I whisked my little Emma off to the studio to attempt taking a few shots. She is a tough nut to crack! I can probably count on one or two hands the number of photos I have with her big beautiful smile... Today was hardly an exception. In the few moments that I was able to entertain her with stories of her very favorite super hero - Buzz Lightyear, I barely penetrated her tough little 2 year old personality! I shamelessly tried to bribe her with lollipops, but her response was a firm "no way!" She then proceeded to fold her arms and gave me the biggest pout I have ever laid eyes on! Here's my proof:

Fun Times on White Street

This last week has been a busy one! We blasted off with our two little astronauts for Halloween, celebrated Emma's 2nd birthday, and have renewed Ollie and Emma's passion for brushing teeth with a trip to the dentist! We also took Christmas photos of the kids last night, and I cannot resist posting some of them. I have promised myself to be on top of Christmas cards this year, and am proud to say that they are ordered! I found a sliver of time between 8-10 pm last night, and seized the moment. I suppose I am feeling the Christmas spirit even earlier this year.