Sugarbean Jewelry

In my *spare* time I love to design jewelry, especially "fine silver" jewelry. I'm working on my commercial photography skills, and thought a would post a few pictures from a recent project.

Walden Pond

Today was the most beautiful spring day! With Jeff on semi-spring break we seized the moment and headed to Walden Pond to enjoy a little New England history and a nice walk around the pond with the kids. A perfect afternoon...

Re-discovering the oldies

While digging through old, filed away photos, I came across some of my favorite baby pictures of Oliver and Emma. Putting Photoshop to work, I re-edited these new found, old-ish treasures.

Ray and Lou

I cannot believe my Mom and Ray are heading back in just another day :( Today was the most beautiful spring day in Belmont, and we seized the moment by going and taking a few photos...

The Denny Miller Project

A few months ago I was asked to take stills during a filmed voice-over audition for old time western movie star Denny Miller. Denny was auditioning for a part in an upcoming animated film starring Johnny Depp. It was a real privilege to work with and get to know such a wonderful actor, and a talented crew. Here are some of the images from inside the studio.